Nourishment As a Way of Life
Nourishment is a principle and practice of the Ancient Mother Traditions. Nourishment does not force her way in, she waits for the opening.
Most of us only think of nourishment when it comes to food or physical wellness, we have not yet explored nourishment as a way of being. Yet, nourishment is our birth right and there was a time when she was our home channel. Nourishment was what we came home to, she was not what we strived for or tried to achieve.
Many of us don't know nourishment. We have grown up in productivity. We value results that force gives us, which lead us to more force to get more results and thus we remain in the cycle of youth. Yes youth, a time in our lives where speed, achievement and power are apex. There's no space in youthful energy that should not be filled, there is only the hustle and grind for more. ..more stuff, more power, more resources, more status, just plan more for the sake of having more. Here's the thing about youth, it will drown out everything else to be heard, seen and prove it's worth. This is immaturity.
Youth as an energy, just doesn't have the wisdom of time, it has not learned that yet.
A culture that does not value nourishment is a youthful culture. It is one that will burn its self up or destroy its self through consumption for the sake of more. And thus, this is the maturation process, we die in order to be reborn. The death process is one that helps us mature.
You see, nourishment knows the path of maturing. She waits for the natural opening and supports the surrendering then proceeds.
Nourishment happens whether you want it or not, it's why she never forces her way in. She waits for the natural course. This is why in the wise woman traditions, we learn how to die well. And die we will over and over again. If we refuse, she will wait until our last breath if need be, and that's when we open and surrender. She always waits...
I have surrendered to my life to BEing the embodiment of nourishment. I have been initiated into this frequency and I now trust her completely.
My body of work around nourishment is being born in a new membership container. These wise woman teachings that I have grown up in and have taught about, are coming to light in this new space.
Imagine for a moment, a space where you can be with the foundational wise wisdom teachings; old and new, learn the principles, practices and processes of living in the way of the Ancient Mother, as I have experienced it. In essence this is my breadcrumb trail. As I have walked, embraced and internalized these ancient teachings I have dropped breadcrumbs along the way for those on this path to follow. No you will not do it like me, however each breadcrumb is an example of the possibilities.
I am excited to share her soon. The first phase is almost ready, stay tuned!
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