We are in desperate need of restoring our relationship with water. The modern woman is dying of thirst, and she has forgotten the power she holds in our restoration as a nation.
Water is life, and it embodies all life-giving properties that exist. One of the key properties of life is nourishment. Do you realize that nothing survives without nourishment, and for sure, nothing thrives?
Have you ever seen an infant who receives no nourishment? While working in child welfare in my early years as a social worker, I was introduced to "failure to thrive" babies. These babies received little to no nourishment: no holding, love, support, kind interaction, or touch. The result was that their drive for life was stifled. They became lifeless, no longer able to respond to sensation or interact. They became numb, both physically and emotionally. Eventually, they withered away and died.
What do you think happens to a culture that has forgotten nourishment as a way of life?
What do you think numbness, the inability to feel, and lifelessness look like in a culture that considers kindness a weakness and big emotional expressions diagnosable?
Take a look around.
Our collective pursuit of fire as our god is actually causing the greatest malnourishment of its women this planet has ever witnessed.
Our inability to deeply nourish as a collective is creating an infillable crater, a hole so big that all it can do is consume. It consumes because it's starving—for nourishment.
What element is naturally nourishing? Water.
We have forgotten the ancient water rites that nourish us and all of creation.
Water is the element of deep nourishment, which is the substance of deep healing, which invokes deep purification so that all can be restored to its natural state.
Peace is our natural state. It's an interesting phenomenon, as we are always returning to it.
Our connection to water holds the key. Or might I say, our disconnection from water is leaving us keyless.
The waters of a woman's body—her menstrual blood, the blood of childbirth, vaginal secretions, tears, mucus, urine, sweat, and maternal milk—are the same waters we are taught to believe are vile and disgusting.
Have you ever wondered why there are so many products and programs in place to suppress the waters of the feminine body?
Have you ever been curious about the waters of our bodies? The sweet, sour, salty, and pungent fluids are the same waters of the Ancient Mother. Her rivers, springs, oceans, swamps, lakes, dew, mists, rain, and moisture in general are the healing nourishing elixirs—and vice versa.
Our disconnection, dismissal, demonization, and destruction of our bodily waters and the Ancient Mother's waters is anti-nourishment. It's actually anti-feminine.
Every time we stifle our tears, stop our natural menstrual flow, keep ourselves from sweating, shut down our sexual desires, hold our urination, and demonize our wild nature for the sake of maintaining pseudo-safety, the crater widens. It becomes hungrier and wants to consume more.
Side note: don't you just love how we have full permission for 30 days a year to feed the hunger with everything but nourishment? Welcome to the holiday season…But I digressed!
When will we return to the ways of nourishment? When will we give space for the sacred waters inside our bodies to flow freely? When will we allow these bodily waters to overflow and heal the nation?
When will we remember the sacred water rites and return to the Mother’s waterholes in gratitude, prayer, and ritual? When will we remember that, in order to thrive, we must nourish, heal, purify, and restore harmony?
When will we surrender to the wilds and become the portals of nourishment again?