A Forgotten Culture


The way of the ancient mother is a forgotten culture. Her customs and traditions actually reside deep in our bones, we actually carry this ancient BEingness inside of us and there she waits for us to wake her. You know, when we slow down, space is created, she begins to rattle in our bones, and then terror floods our system. All the programs from what we were fed in common schools, work environments and most other communities activates a fear response and the amnesia continues.

The grind feels tolerable the busyness (business) remains attractive and we stay blinded by productivity.

Have you ever seen the movie THE WIZ? I did. My favorite scene was at the end when after the evil witch was defeated, the people peeled off their costumes and everyone was dressed in gold bathing suits. The song " can you feel a brand new day" was blaring and I fell in love with the rejoice. Why at 8 years old was that the most impactful scene of the entire movie? (Still contemplating that one)

This is what I feel when folk start remembering and activating the way of the ancient mother in their lives. Most folks have been wearing full body masks so long they don't know what true natural feels like. To be fully in our bodies feeling the full range of what this human experience has for us is liberating.

It is also scary. That's what happens when the masses have been convinced the human experience needs to be guarded, controlled, suppressed and can't be trusted. This wild intuitive way of being is against our norms and therefore maladaptive.

We are in the millennia of the feminine, the ancient teachings tells us. We are only 24 years in and the ways, of the ways of the ancient mother, well she is just beginning to rub the crust from her eyes.

She's been sleeping a long time. It's going to take a minute for her to stretch her body and reorient herself again.

It's going to take a moment for her to reactivate her inner knowing in the hearts of humans again. Yes again....

Just like in the scene from THE WIZ, our true naturalness, our golden light, will be remembered as we unzip and peel away the outer layers.

I don't know about you, but that's what I am here for. I am here to live a brand new day. For me this new day is the return of the way of the Ancient Mother. So the next time you slow down and feel her rattling in your bones, don't shut her down, feel that fear, feel the terror and dance. Dance like your brand new life depends on it, because it does.

Lyrics A Brand New Day

"Everybody look up

And feel the hope that we've been waiting on

(Everybody's glad)

(Because our silent fear and dread is gone)

Freedom, you see

Has got our hearts singing so joyfully

(Just look about)

(You owe it to yourself to check it out)..."


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