Getting Back To Your Feminine Roots Practice 3

I was talking with someone recently and bear medicine showed up in our session. When I think of bear and its winter, I think of the bear’s ability to be with his great pause.

Bear follows his internal guidance and beds down for a long rest. In some Indigenous teachings, bear sits in the direction of the west of the medicine wheel. He teaches us there is a time to lay it all down and go within. He is the master of introspection.

Staying connected to our feminin…

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Getting Back To Your Feminine Roots Practice 2

I remembering being in a sister circle and one of the grandmothers taught us a song; Woman… Goddess… Queen…. am I. It was so potent because as she sang the song she clutched her pussie, womb and breast as she sang the words.. Woman….Goddess… Queen… am I.

Though I can not remember all the words, what sticks with me is how we were all holding ourselves in reverence of being a woman. I am so grateful to have grown up in a community such as this.

Today’s ritual is one I learned from my late mentor…

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Getting Back To Your Feminine Roots Practice 1

Day One Practice: Ritual

Ritual in this context is not a repetitive act or behavior done before something sacred is performed. Ritual in this context goes beyond a special act that brings comfort and joy. The Ritual I speak of, IS the sacred act. What makes Ritual is the invocation of Spirit or Most High to intervene on one’s behalf for a particular purpose. Ritual requires that you ask for intervention, there is a understanding, you are ready to accept help from beyond.…

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Fear Of The Full Bloom



I went outside this morning, and one of my roses was in full bloom—or maybe not. She might have more blooming to do. I harvest my roses to dry and make medicines, picking them before they begin to wilt. I try to time it just right. I was at my sister's garden, and her roses were so big, so bold. She had wilting roses, budding roses, and blooming roses on her bushes. Some looked scraggly with brown edges, while others were in technicolor. I wondered, why don’t my roses bloom that b…

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Aligning to Old Lady Winter

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I seem to talk about this every year around this time, and it's because, as we gear up for the Gregorian New Year, there's a strong push to "start fresh." However, this urge to begin anew during the coldest and darkest part of the Earth's seasonal cycle just feels all wrong.

The winter solstice is the heart of winter, so how can we, just ten days later, celebrate new beginnings? The solstice marks the peak of the sun’s descent. It’s not the sun I celebrate at this time of year—it’s the deep cav…

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A Forgotten Culture


The way of the ancient mother is a forgotten culture. Her customs and traditions actually reside deep in our bones, we actually carry this ancient BEingness inside of us and there she waits for us to wake her. You know, when we slow down, space is created, she begins to rattle in our bones, and then terror floods our system. All the programs from what we were fed in common schools, work environments and most other communities activates a fear response and the amnesia continues.

The grind feels …

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Restoring Our Connection to Water

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We are in desperate need of restoring our relationship with water. The modern woman is dying of thirst, and she has forgotten the power she holds in our restoration as a nation.

Water is life, and it embodies all life-giving properties that exist. One of the key properties of life is nourishment. Do you realize that nothing survives without nourishment, and for sure, nothing thrives?

Have you ever seen an infant who receives no nourishment? While working in child welfare in my early years as a…

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Nourishment As a Way of Life

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Nourishment is a principle and practice of the Ancient Mother Traditions. Nourishment does not force her way in, she waits for the opening. 

Most of us only think of nourishment when it comes to food or physical wellness, we have not yet explored nourishment as a way of being. Yet, nourishment is our birth right and there was a time when she was our home channel.  Nourishment was what we came home to, she was not what we strived for or tried to achieve. 

Many of us don't know nourishment. We h…

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Take the Nestea Plunge


Is the next layer of surrender calling you to take the Nestea plunge?

When I was a girl there was a commercial where the person would drink Nestea and then fall backward into the pool of  water. This was the Nestea plunge. My friends and I used to do this dare as kids during the summer months. We would stand at the edge of the pool and free fall. Arms outstretched, heart wide open. Sometimes I was scared, but interestingly enough, the more I did it the more it was fun.  

Sitting with a prayer my…

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In my twilight moments this dawning a message floated by. Stay connected to the natural. How do you begin each day? What are you seeding at the day break?

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