I seem to talk about this every year around this time, and it's because, as we gear up for the Gregorian New Year, there's a strong push to "start fresh." However, this urge to begin anew during the coldest and darkest part of the Earth's seasonal cycle just feels all wrong.
The winter solstice is the heart of winter, so how can we, just ten days later, celebrate new beginnings? The solstice marks the peak of the sun’s descent. It’s not the sun I celebrate at this time of year—it’s the deep cave that I align with. The inner work and rest that my body and soul crave are what call to me.
Without this deep rest and interior work during the winter months—November through January, at least in some regions—we enter into spring depleted. Dare I say, we enter the true season of beginnings “mad,” without the proper seasonal rest. Imagine following this synthetic system year after year and how disconnected we become from Truth.
The Truth that lies in nature’s bosom—the Truth I follow—is that awakening in our bones, is the remembrance, that we are nature. As women, we literally hold her cycles and rhythms in our bodies. Yet, there is a symphony of false programs designed to keep us away from this Truth. Dare I say there are strategic systems in place to keep us out of alignment with the natural cycles of life which feed our stress, immaturity, and scarcity?
So, how do I align with Old Lady Winter, this wise, old hag who calls us inward?
First of all, nothing has a hard finish or start, and I give myself ample space to transition from one season to the next. The downshifting of my life begins in late autumn. I become less and less engaged in the community and start turning inward. Old Lady Winter calls us to reflect, so at this time of year, I tend to journal more, review what was, and gather the medicine from the last six months. I also find myself in deep study—reading more self-development books and diving deep into a new craft or building mastery in a subject area.
I take more baths during winter. The hot water on cool nights is a soothing practice for calming my nerves after the excitement of summer. It’s during this time that I slow down enough to explore the hidden spaces I didn’t have the time to be with earlier in the year.
My time with the community tends to be of deeper quality. I share my reflections, reconnect with old friends, catch up on what’s been happening in their lives, and share what’s going on in mine. Don’t get me wrong—I celebrate this time of year too. I enjoy the feasts of the first harvest, family gatherings, and gratitude rituals with my sister circles. However, I pace myself. I choose what feels aligned with my body and soul, and I say no a lot more frequently.
Here’s the thing: when we start making an effort to live more seasonally, we naturally begin to drift away from false systems. Nature begins to meet us, realigning us with her rhythms.
It’s truly beautiful to no longer be guided by sales or social media trends. Instead, we receive guidance for what’s next from an internally aligned, nature-driven system, rather than being herded like sheep. This is true liberation work. It may take some years to fully liberate yourself, but I assure you, the journey is worth every step.
Consider joining my online community for wise woman…. Feminine Roots. Align to nature, your body and the ways of the Ancient Mother.